Patience is a virtue.

Steve Sigma-Fox
4 min readApr 20, 2024

How to cultivate calm in a world of chaos.

Photo by @tyler_milligan_visuals — Unsplash

In a world that’s constantly racing against the clock for the next best thing, patience is a virtue that often gets overshadowed by the pursuit of instant gratification. Yet, in terms of admirable human qualities, it remains one of the most valuable traits one can possess. Patience is the quiet strength that helps us navigate life’s many challenges with deliberate candor, grace and resilience. It’s the steady hand that guides us through the storm, the deep breath we take before making an important decision, and the pause between stimulus and response that can make all the difference in terms of outcome.

Why patience is important.
Having patience is essential for several reasons. It allows us to remain relaxed and composed in stressful situations, preventing hasty decisions that we might later regret. It affords us the ability to wait for the right moment to act, ensuring that our actions are appropriately thought through, measured and effective. Moreover, patience is a key component of empathy, as it enables us to give others the time and space they may need to express themselves and grow. It is also a key component required as part of any successful relationship.

Cultivating patience.
In a world where everything is available on demand, and at our very fingertips, cultivating patience…



Steve Sigma-Fox

Personal development coach, motivational speaker & author. Influencing positive change in the world by helping others to become the best versions of themselves.