Seven tips to help you lose weight and improve your fitness on a budget.

Steve Sigma-Fox
8 min readMar 8, 2024

Losing weight and getting fitter doesn’t have to be expensive.

Getting fit should be an inexpensive endeavour.

Many of us probably started off the New Year with the resolution to lose weight and improve our fitness. While it was probably a great idea in the beginning, it’s likely your motivation to stick to this resolution has waned as the months have gone by, more often than not due to the industry misconception that to lose weight or get fitter, you need to commit to a gym membership, have the fanciest equipment or expensive program. This is a load of commercial nonsense, created to fool the unaware among us into parting with their money for the next “get fit quick” scheme. As I’ve said before, the fact of the matter is that neither of these goals happen overnight, and both of them take some time commitment and discipline. Both of which can be a little easier to manage, assured in the knowledge that pursuing these goals doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money. Read on, and allow me to explain…

Once upon a time…
Way back when (and I’m talking like forty or so years ago), losing weight, increasing your fitness was pretty straight forward. While the fitness industry was still really in its infancy at this time, it was pretty much a matter of simply making the decision to work towards these goals by eating less food, going for a run every day…



Steve Sigma-Fox

Personal development coach, motivational speaker & author. Influencing positive change in the world by helping others to become the best versions of themselves.