The six secrets to a successful career change later in life.

Steve Sigma-Fox
5 min readMar 9, 2024

Regardless of what you may think, it’s never too late!

Image by Kal Visuals — Unsplash

For most of us, being unhappy in our job is one of the single most challenging situations to navigate as an adult. Full time employment often takes up a substantial chunk of our adult lives, can be related to our social network and connections, and is often the sole source of financial income for many of us. So what happens when the career path we have chosen is no longer for us, and how do we overcome the fears and apprehensions around leaving? The good news is, it’s never too late for a fresh start and often it is simply our perception and limiting beliefs that are holding us back from taking the first step. Below are six strategies I have used successfully in the past, and also shared with numerous clients to assist in the transition from stale state to greener pastures later in life (however they can be applied at any age)…

  1. Be clear about the direction you want to take.
    While you might have identified that you want to leave your current role, have you considered what it is exactly you’d like to do next? Stepping from one role to another frivolously can ultimately lead to you looking for another job in the future due to dissatisfaction, lack of fulfillment or purpose. The first step you is to take some time to determine what it is you’d like to do next. Some questions you can consider could include “what kind of tasks do you enjoy doing?”, “what skills do you already have that you enjoy using at work?”, “what do you enjoy learning about?” and “what type of clients / services do you enjoy engaging with?” You could also consider completing some free online psychology, aptitude or personality tests to identify potential qualities and personality traits that you can match future roles.
  2. Do your research.
    Now that you have a solid foundation in regard to the type of career path you would like to pursue, the second step you should take is to start doing some research on the industries that match your skills, goals and preferences identified in the first step. Ideally, you would be looking at industries that are currently experiencing periods of growth and demanding fresh ideas, perspectives and new talent. Some of the fastest growing industries in recent years include E-Commerce, Healthcare, Shipping and Delivery, Artificial Intelligence, Personal Care, Video Marketing, Travel and Hospitality.
  3. Up skill yourself.
    The third step is to take some time to learn the technical skills you might need for your new career path through any courses, workshops and further education you might need to engage in. This is why it is important to work through the first two steps to identify what you really want to do, and any skills or knowledge gaps that might require attention. This is important to avoid wasting time working on skills and abilities you already have, so be sure to check any existing qualifications before you start. A lot of roles won’t need you to go back to study, but a quick review of your skills and abilities while looking at gaps to address can reaffirm any existing transferrable qualities and experience you already have.
  4. Consider the power of networking.
    Step four is taking advantage of the power of networking. Now days, it’s just as much about showcasing yourself as it is about preparing for the application or interview. It may be beneficial to show off your experience and skill set to potential employers and contacts, and this can be achieved by networking at local careers events and using social media streams. By attending industry events, you afford yourself the opportunity to meet and engage with those already in the sector you are interested in getting into, and gain exposure to prospective employers. This will help you to learn, and be notified, of career opportunities in the future while building a network of contacts you could use to assist you when in the role. You can also network through social media streams (such as industry Face book groups), by engaging with others in your chosen field through comments and posts, online seminars and events.
  5. Update your resume and portfolio.
    Step five takes what you have showcased to others in step four, and applies it to your resume, portfolio and any online presence. To do this, you should update and optimize your resume as well as your LinkedIn profile (or similar) to demonstrate your current experience, skills, expertise and achievements for prospective employers to search and review. Ensure that any of these previous elements and experience are updated to reflect and address the career that you are planning on moving into, not so much detail the one you are leaving.
  6. Rehearse your story.
    Once you have ensured that you have covered the previous five steps, the last step (step six) is to familiarize yourself with everything you are showcasing about you and prepare for your interviews by rehearsing the story about your journey and decision to change careers. This will include detailing and selling your strengths and experiences. It’s likely that any prospective employer will ask you why you want to change careers, so it’s important to be prepared with a positive professional response for when this occurs. Most employers will appreciate you putting in the extra effort to “sell yourself” for any new role that you apply for, especially when considering you’ll likely be competing against other candidates who may already have industry experience and skills you don’t.

Good luck!
At the end of the day, changing careers shouldn’t be anything to be afraid of, regardless of age or circumstances. Like anything else we look at achieving in life, approaching the process with due consideration, preparation and commitment of necessary time and energy, any anxiety can be placated through the recognition of demonstrated experience and previous successes (after all, you’ve overcome many challenges like this in the past). With these six steps, I hope that you too can find the confidence and conviction to take the necessary positive action towards securing the new career path you desire.

Until next time, please check out my previous posts for all things motivational, self-help and personal development by subscribing to me (click here) — and if you’re interested in developing yourself further in your own time, check out my book “Think Success!” available to download now on Amazon for less than the price of a small coffee (get your copy by clicking here)!

Hope you got something out of this post, and if you did — please let me know in the comments section below. Have an amazing day!



Steve Sigma-Fox

Personal development coach, motivational speaker & author. Influencing positive change in the world by helping others to become the best versions of themselves.